Пост 49 (18). Вермеер и Дельфтская школа. Часть первая. Примечания

11. See Liedtke 1991b, pp. 234-37.

12. Evelyn 1952, pp. 21-22. By "drolleries;' the diarist meant amusing genre scenes. His information that "it is an ordinary thing to find a common farmer lay out two or three thousand pounds" for paintings and that "their houses are full of them" is rejected in Montias 1990, pp. 361-62. See also Montias 1996, pp. 17, 21, and North 1997, pp. 46-47.

13. Evelyn 1952, pp. 33-35 (entries for October 4 and 5, 1641).

14. On Duarte's inventory of 1682, see Dogaer 1971 and Samuel 1976. Duarte died a bachelor and left most of his property to his niece Constancia Duarte and her husband, Manuel Levy, an Amsterdam jeweler. Most of the collection was sold off during the 1690s.

15. See Blankert 1978, pp. 61, 153 (doc. no. 6o ); Montias 1989, p. 257; and Washington, The Hague 1995-96, pp. 51, 54, 198, 202. The painting by Vermeer was no longer in Duarte's possession at his death, nine years later. In addition to collecting art, Duarte may have been a dealer. A contemporary's remark to the contrary is taken at face value in Broos 1993, p. 296, n. 5, but it is a common claim of marchands amateurs.

16. Broos in Washington, The Hague 1995-96, p. 51. See also Broos 1993, pp. 293-94.

17. For brief biographies of and literature on both Huygenses, see the entries by Marieke W. Bouman and by J. F. Heijbroek in Dictionary of Art 1996, vol. rs, pp. 40-42. On Constantijn Huygens the Younger as draftsman and diarist, see Amsterdam, Ghent 1982-83.

18. On De Cooge (or De Coge), see Montias 1989, pp. 82, 131, and Montias 1996, pp. 165-66. The dealer appears to have been active in protecting Catholic interests against Protestant hostility.

19. Evelyn 1952, p. 19. The house belonged previously to the Remonstrant statesman Johan van Oldenbarnevelt (executed in r6r9 ). It is seen on the left in a view of the tree-lined Voorhout (a short but grand avenue in the center of The Hague) by Adriaen van de Venne, which was engraved to illustrate the title page of Constantijn Huygens's Batava tempe. Dat is )t Voorhout van )s Graven-Rage, Middelburg, 1622 (the print is reproduced in The Hague 1998-99a, p. 20, fig. 9 ).

20. The couple are also known as the "Winter King" and "Winter Queen;'because of the short duration of the Elector's reign as king of Bohemia in Prague ( 1619-20 ). He was a cousin of the Dutch stadholders Maurits and Frederick Hendrick. Their uncle, Frederick IV of the Palatinate, had maintained a great court at Heidelberg. On the Bohemia court in exile at The Hague, see Keblusek's essay in The Hague 1997-98b, pp. 47-57, and the sources cited there (notes on pp. 220-21).


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