Пост 145. Вермеер и Дельфтская школа, Часть 3. Живопись в Дельфте с 1600 по 1650 годы, Вальтер Лидтке, 60
76. See
Rotterdam, Frankfurt 1999-2000.
77. For
these works by De Gheyn, see Van Regteren Altena 1983, cat. IIP, nos. 3-6,
13, pis. 4-7, 11.
78. The
attribution of A Teacher Instructing His Pupils (fig. 6o) to Van Vliet and its
relationship to the works by De Gheyn were first considered in Wansink
1987, pp. 8-9, figs. 10-12. A date of about 1626-28 seems plausible. The De
Gheyns are catalogued in Van Regteren Altena 1983, cat. IIP, nos. 18,
I9, pls. I7, 19.
79. Possibly of circumstantial interest is the Lot and
His Daughters by Van Couwenbergh
that was owned by Judith Willems dr van Vliet when she died, in
I650 (Maier-Preusker 1991, p. I67) - of interest, that is, if she wasVan
Vliet's daughter.
8o. Ibid.,
p. I65.
81. See
ibid., pp. I76-86, figs. 13- I8.
Compare ibid., figs. I, 2, 10; the woman in figs. 6, 7, 9; the man in figs. I5, 18-20.
There are many other examples not illustrated in the article.
83. See
ibid., pp. 173, 183-84, figs. 15, 16.
84. Ibid.,
p. I65, for this remark and the basic biographical details.
85. As is
suggested by Jacob Vosmaer's early trip to Italy and his service as captain
major in a
civic guard (Montias I982, pp. 46, 150-60, in the notes). Concrete
information about the family is lacking, and this is reflected in Montias's
uncharacteristic confusion of Wouter with Jacob Vosmaer on several pages
(including pp. 46, I95).
Maier-Preusker (I99I, no. A8) correctly records the canvas as dated I630, while in
Amsterdam, Jerusalem 1991-92, no. 23, the painting is said to be signed in
monogram but not dated.
87. The
subject of the lost painting is identified in Maier-Preusker I991, pp.
189-90, figs. 27, 28 (print after Rubens), and no. A6, as "Semiramis
having her
husband Onnes put to death." See also Plomp I986, pp. 110-11, no. I4.
Maier-Preusker's comparison of the Cimon and Pero with a work by Rubens
(Rubens 1991, pp. 196-97, figs. 38, 39, no. A26) is less convincing; there are
more plausible prototypes in Utrecht, by Van Baburen, Moreelse,
others, and the known evidence can hardly be considered complete (see the
composition by a so-called follower of Abraham Janssens, in the Sotheby's,
London, sale of December I6, 1999, no. 350 ).
88. Plomp
I986, pp. 111-12, no. I6, and Maier-Preusker I99I, p. I89, figs. 30, 3I,
and no. A24.
Blankert 1978, p. 11, referring specifically to Van Couwenbergh and Palamedesz.
(1981, p. I6) mentions Van Couwenbergh in connection with
illusionistic murals and observes that "the House of Orange ... amplifies
our understanding of the artistic climate in Delft?' However, the same
author, in Washington, The Hague 1995-96, p. I7, groups Van Couwenbergh
and Bramer with Palamedesz, the "aged" Van der Ast (he was
in I650 ), and the eclectic landscapist Pieter van Asch as the major artists in
Delft and concludes that "it seems unlikely that any of these painters
inspired the young Vermeer.'
90. See, for example, Montias
1989, pp. I06-7.
Wheelock in Milwaukee I992- 93, p. 21.
92. On
"craftsmen" see above, p. 60. For Van Couwenbergh's works at the
princely palaces, see chap. I and especially nn. 26, 29. I assume that Maier-Preusker
199I, under no. C13, the Venus and Adonis of 1642, is correct in stating
that Van Couwenbergh received 600 guilders for the painting, but this is not what
the account book says according to Slothouwer 1945, p. 302, under 736
fol. I4IV (700 guilders to Van Couwenbergh, namely, 400 guildersfor the Offer
to Venus and 300 guilders for the Venus and Adonis).
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