Пост 148. . Вермеер и Дельфтская школа, Часть 3. Живопись в Дельфте с 1600 по 1650 годы, Вальтер Лидтке, 63
131. This appears to have been Post's usual approach. He was the architect of the Huis ten Bosch, but the decoration of the Oranjezaal was left to Huygens and a team of painters working under the supervision of Jacob van Campen. Post himself was clearly not the painter of the circular balustrade with cupids in the main room of the Huis aan de Boschkant in The Hague or the illusionistic ceilings of other houses he built in the I64os; on the latter, see Terwen and Ottenheym 1993, pp. I22-23, figs. 141a, 141b (photographs of about I900 ). 132. Delft I994, pp. 200, 262-65. 133. By Plomp in ibid., p. 200, fig. 25 (the same drawing is discussed on p. 245 with no reference to the illustration). I34. Ibid., p. 63, fig. 2I, and p. 207, n. 61. See also Milwaukee 1992-93, nos. 54, 55, for drawings depicting musicians and other figures at foreshortened balconies. I35. As noted by Plomp in Delft 1994, p. I84. 136. Evelyn I952, pp. ...