Пост 144. Вермеер и Дельфтская школа, Часть 3. Живопись в Дельфте с 1600 по 1650 годы, Вальтер Лидтке, 59
6o. Van Mander/Miedema 1994--99, vol. 4, p. 174, n. 90, noting that a smaller version of the same(?) picture, signed and dated 1598, is in the Museum of Western and Oriental Art , Kiev. 61. Montias 1982, pp. 198-99 (see also p. 201 on the Bloemaert). The "conflagration" by Jordaens may or may not look ahead to Van der Poel's burning barns and villages, but it would probably have resembled scenes of Troy burning and the like by Gillis van Valckenborch and other Antwerp artists. Esaias van de Velde is credited with the figures in the three landscapes by Groenewegen and in the five architectural paintings by Van Bassen. 62. Ibid., p. 148, note k (estate of Jacob Jansz Helm, 1626). 63. On the question of art dealing, compare the interpretation of Montias (1982, p. 130 ). 64. See Briels 1997, figs. 56 (very much like Van Mander), 6o, 65, 68, 149, and Van Mander/Miedema 1994--99, vol. 4, fig. 103, for a John the Baptist Preaching (location u...